Build Your Lyka Box

Questions? Our Customer Care team are here to help. Get in touch via email or call us on 1300 851 936.



To customise your plan, we need to get to know your pack. Been here before? Click to enter your email.


Oh sticks! We couldn't find your email in our records. Please continue to build your custom plan or try another email.

It looks like you already have an account with us.
Click here to login.

This box: ${{calculateTotalCostCoupon()}} - Future boxes: ${{calculateTotalCostFuture()}}

Full bowl plan ${{calculateTotalCost()}}

Half bowl plan ${{calculateTotalCost()}}

Starter box ${{calculateTotalCost()}}

Tailored to {{convertGenderNamePronoun(}} weight, age, and breed, packed with {{determineDailyMealWeight(dogItem)}}g of nutrients per day, increasing to {{convertGenderNamePronoun(}} adult serving of {{mixinPuppyFullServingSize(dogItem.mealWeight)}}g at no additional cost.

Tailored to {{sanitiseDogName(dogModel[0].name)}} & {{sanitiseDogName(dogModel[1].name)}}'s weight, age, and breed, packed with {{determineDailyMealWeight(dogModel[0])}}g & {{determineDailyMealWeight(dogModel[1])}}g of nutrients per day, increasing to {{mixinTwoDogPuppyString('name')}}'s adult serving size of {{mixinTwoDogPuppyString('grams')}} at no additional cost.


Our pack postcode is

What's your pupper's name

Add another pupper

{{sanitiseDogName(}} is a

My good

Was born on

{{convertGenderName(}} weighs about

{{convertGenderName(}} weighs about

and will reach

{{sanitiseDogName(}}'s body shape is



{{sanitiseDogName(}}'s activity level is



{{sanitiseDogName(}}'s eating style



{{sanitiseDogName(}} eats

By food brand

Does {{sanitiseDogName(}} have any intolerances?

Does {{sanitiseDogName(}} have any health issues?

And finally... who's the leader of this pupper pack?

Choose {{sanitiseDogName(}}'s recipes:

Choose {{sanitiseDogName(}}'s recipes:

We recommend:


Choose their daily plan


${{calculateDailyPrice()}} per day


Total: ${{calculateTotalCost()}}


{{determineDailyMealWeight(checkoutDogItem)}}g per day

Recipes: {{generateRecipeString(}}


Free. Always!

Delivery Day

{{deliveryDayStringOverride === null ? determineDeliveryDay() : deliveryDayStringOverride}}


{{coupon.value_percentage}}% Discount applied

Total: ${{calculateTotalCost()}}

Total: ${{calculateTotalCost()}} ${{calculateTotalCostCoupon()}}


Rolls over to the Full Meal Plan on midnight {{determineSundayPostDelivery()}}.

${{calculateTotalCostFuture()}} charged every {{determineChargeFrequencySentenceFuture()}}

No commitment. Pause, change or cancel anytime.

You'll be able to add treats from your account once you confirm and pay.

Deliver to


First name

Last name

Business name

Delivery Address

Can't find your address? Use form


Street Address




Delivery instructions




Confirm password

Card details